Roofing Solutions For You

Roofing Solutions For You

  • 2 DIY Tricks for Finding Hidden Rafters on Roof Trusses

    Not all houses have open roof trusses; some have trusses that are hidden from full view, which poses a problem because, at one point or another, homeowners would wish to locate their roof trusses. It applies, in particular, when owners want to drill solar panels or hang a chandelier from the ceiling. As a newbie roofer, therefore, your clients' satisfaction would depend on how easy you make it for them to fix emerging roofing issues.

  • About Me

    Roofing Solutions For You

    Welcome to my blog. My name is Nigel and my new found passion is roofing. Roofing might seem like a strange thing to be excited about. If you had told me a couple of years ago that I would love roofing, I would have laughed in your face. However, all of that changed when I decided to install a new roof on my home. We had been having problems for a while with water leaking into the attic so I decided to take action. The contractor was so helpful I couldn't help but become fascinated by the different roofing solutions. I hope you like the blog.
